the mother
Searched for the mother in the dictionary.
Swedish: mamman
the mother English | |
Swedish | mamman |
the winter English | |
Swedish | vintern |
the amateur English | |
Swedish | amatören |
the hunter English | |
Swedish | jägaren |
the nature English | |
Swedish | naturen |
the motorway English | |
Swedish | motorvägen |
the material English | |
Swedish | tyget |
to wonder English | |
German | sich fragen. sich wundern |
tenter French | |
Swedish | fresta |
the mattress English | |
Swedish | madrassen |
teinter French | |
Swedish | färga |
tomater Swedish | |
English | tomatoes |
Spanish | tomates |
tenderer English | |
Swedish | anbudsgivare |
tender English | |
Swedish | kärleksfull, öm, erbjuda, mjuk, mör, ömsint |
the Netherland English | |
Swedish | Nederländerna |
thunder English | |
Swedish | åska, dunder, dåna, tordön, dån, dundra, åskväder |
tentera Swedish | |
English | take an examination |
the Internet English | |
Swedish | internet, Internet |
the internet English | |
Swedish | internet |
tenedor Spanish | |
English | fork |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.