the mud
Searched for the mud in the dictionary.
Swedish: geggan
the mud English | |
Swedish | geggan |
themed English | |
Swedish | med tema |
the 2nd English | |
Czech | druhý |
ta med Norwegian | |
German | mitbringen, mitnehmen |
the net English | |
Swedish | nätet |
the media English | |
Swedish | massmedia |
the meat English | |
Swedish | köttet |
the mouth English | |
Swedish | munnen |
the hand English | |
Swedish | handen |
the wound English | |
Swedish | skadan |
ta med Swedish | |
English | bring, take away, enter |
French | amener |
German | mitbringen, bringen |
Italian | portare, portato |
Spanish | llevar, traer |
the hunt English | |
Swedish | jakten |
the ant English | |
Swedish | myran |
the wind English | |
Swedish | vinden |
the aunt English | |
Swedish | tanten |
ta ned Swedish | |
English | pull down |
German | abbauen, abhängen |
Spanish | bajar |
tune out English | |
Swedish | känna in |
timid English | |
Swedish | blyg, skygg, försagd, räddhågad |
tend English | |
Swedish | sköta, vårda, vakta, ta hand om, verka |
temido Spanish | |
Swedish | fruktad |
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