the plant
Searched for the plant in the dictionary.
Swedish: växten
the plant English | |
Swedish | växten |
the plains English | |
Swedish | slätterna |
the plum English | |
Swedish | plommonet |
the blanket English | |
Swedish | filten |
to blind English | |
Swedish | förblinda, blända |
tavlan Swedish | |
English | the painting |
French | le tableau |
German | das Bild |
Spanish | pizarra, el cuadro |
tävlan Swedish | |
English | competition, emulation, rivalry |
the blinker English | |
Swedish | blinkersen |
the violin English | |
Swedish | violinen |
tavolino Italian | |
Swedish | kaffebord, litet bord, kafébord |
täfeln German | |
English | wainscot |
the avalanche English | |
Swedish | lavinen |
tävlande Swedish | |
English | contender, contestant, competitor, athlete, competitive, vying |
tvilling Swedish | |
English | twin |
German | Zwillinge |
Spanish | gemelo |
tvlen Swedish | |
German | die Tafel |
tvålen Swedish | |
English | the soap |
French | le savon |
German | die Seife |
Spanish | el jabón |
tävling Swedish | |
Danish | konkurrence |
English | competition, game, contest, event, race, competiton, competion |
Finnish | kisa, kisan, kisaa |
German | Wettkampfen |
Spanish | competición |
tavaline Estonian | |
Swedish | vanlig |
the following English | |
Swedish | följande |
tävla om Swedish | |
English | compete for, vie for |
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