the stairs
Searched for the stairs in the dictionary.
French: les escaliers, Swedish: trappan
the stairs English | |
French | les escaliers |
Swedish | trappan |
the story English | |
Swedish | historien |
the storm English | |
Swedish | stormen |
the strike English | |
Swedish | strejken |
the street English | |
Swedish | gatan |
testers English | |
Swedish | testare |
the stairhead English | |
Swedish | översta trappavsatsen |
testare Swedish | |
English | testers |
tester English | |
Swedish | provare |
the guitar English | |
Swedish | gitarren |
the stranger English | |
Swedish | främlingen |
tester Swedish | |
English | trials |
toaster English | |
Finnish | paahdin |
Spanish | tostador |
Swedish | brödrost |
the strongest English | |
Swedish | starkast, den starkaste |
texter Swedish | |
English | lyrics |
testerna Swedish | |
German | die Tests |
the stewardess English | |
Swedish | flygvärdinnan |
two storey English | |
Swedish | tvåvånings- |
the equator English | |
Swedish | ekvatorn |
texture English | |
Swedish | konsistens, struktur |
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