the works
Searched for the works in the dictionary.
Swedish: rubbet
the works English | |
Swedish | rubbet |
the work English | |
Swedish | arbetet |
the horse English | |
Swedish | hästen |
theories English | |
Swedish | teorier |
theirs English | |
Swedish | deras |
the rake English | |
Swedish | krattan |
the arrows English | |
Swedish | pilarna |
the Irish English | |
Swedish | irländarna, irländare |
throws English | |
Spanish | tira |
Swedish | kastar |
tiers French | |
Swedish | period |
tears English | |
German | Tränen |
Swedish | tårar |
there was English | |
Swedish | det fanns, där fanns |
toros Spanish | |
Swedish | tjurar |
tú eres Spanish | |
Swedish | du är |
tierras Spanish | |
Swedish | ägor |
there is English | |
Spanish | hay |
Swedish | det finns, det finns en, det är |
there's English | |
German | es ist, es gibt |
Swedish | det är, det finns, där är, här har vi |
thorax Latin | |
Swedish | bröstkorg |
thorax English | |
Swedish | bröstkorg, mellankropp |
torka Swedish | |
Czech | sucho |
Danish | tørke |
Dutch | droogte |
English | drought, wipe, dry, dry up, dry season |
Finnish | kuivuus |
French | sécheresse, se sécher |
German | wischen, Dürre |
Greek | ξηρασία |
Hungarian | aszály |
Italian | siccità |
Latvian | sausums |
Polish | susza |
Portuguese | seca |
Croatian | súša |
Slovenian | suša |
Spanish | sequía, secarse |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.