Searched for theirs in the dictionary.
Swedish: deras
theirs English | |
Swedish | deras |
tears English | |
German | Tränen |
Swedish | tårar |
tiers French | |
Swedish | period |
terse English | |
Swedish | fåordig, kort, knapphändig |
törs Swedish | |
English | dare |
trees English | |
Swedish | träd |
terso Spanish | |
Swedish | slät, ren |
tierras Spanish | |
Swedish | ägor |
throws English | |
Spanish | tira |
Swedish | kastar |
trois French | |
German | drei |
Swedish | tre, 3 |
treize French | |
German | dreizehn |
Swedish | 13, tretton |
tires English | |
German | ermüdet |
Swedish | däck |
tres French | |
Swedish | mycket |
tres Spanish | |
English | 3 |
Swedish | 3, tre |
tires Finnish | |
Swedish | däck |
tress English | |
Swedish | hårlock |
tres Danish | |
German | 60 |
trehus Norwegian | |
German | Holzhaus |
tries English | |
Swedish | försöker |
theories English | |
Swedish | teorier |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.