Searched for tierras in the dictionary.
Swedish: ägor
tierras Spanish | |
Swedish | ägor |
tiers French | |
Swedish | period |
terrass Swedish | |
English | terrace |
Spanish | terraza |
tires Finnish | |
Swedish | däck |
tires English | |
German | ermüdet |
Swedish | däck |
töras Swedish | |
English | dare |
terrace English | |
Finnish | terassi |
Swedish | husrad, terrass, terrassera, terass, altan, uteplats |
teräs Finnish | |
Czech | ocel |
Danish | stål |
Dutch | staal |
English | steel |
French | acier |
German | Stahl |
Greek | χάλυβας |
Hungarian | acél |
Italian | acciaio |
Latvian | tērauds |
Polish | stal |
Portuguese | aço |
Slovenian | jeklo |
Spanish | acero |
Swedish | stål |
terraza Spanish | |
Swedish | terrass |
terass Swedish | |
English | terrace |
tears English | |
German | Tränen |
Swedish | tårar |
tras Spanish | |
Swedish | efter att, bakom |
there's English | |
German | es ist, es gibt |
Swedish | det är, det finns, där är, här har vi |
theirs English | |
Swedish | deras |
the race English | |
Swedish | kapplöpningen |
trays English | |
Swedish | brickor |
trees English | |
Swedish | träd |
tross Norwegian | |
German | trotz |
the rake English | |
Swedish | krattan |
theories English | |
Swedish | teorier |
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