Searched for tioårs- in the dictionary.
English: decennial
tioårs- Swedish | |
English | decennial |
tioårig Swedish | |
English | aged ten |
torsk Swedish | |
English | cod, punter |
Finnish | turska |
Spanish | bacalao, bacalo |
törs Swedish | |
English | dare |
torso English | |
Swedish | kropp, bål, överkropp |
tiers French | |
Swedish | period |
torch English | |
German | Taschenlampe |
Swedish | ficklampa, fackla, lykta, bloss |
terse English | |
Swedish | fåordig, kort, knapphändig |
thorax English | |
Swedish | bröstkorg, mellankropp |
theirs English | |
Swedish | deras |
träsk Swedish | |
English | swamp, slough, marshes, marsh |
Swedish | moras |
tires English | |
German | ermüdet |
Swedish | däck |
to risk English | |
German | riskieren |
toros Spanish | |
Swedish | tjurar |
terso Spanish | |
Swedish | slät, ren |
traéis Spanish | |
Swedish | ni bär |
tierras Spanish | |
Swedish | ägor |
trois French | |
German | drei |
Swedish | tre, 3 |
très French | |
Swedish | mycket, särskilt, väldigt, starkt |
três Portuguese | |
Swedish | tre |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.