to intend to

Searched for to intend to in the dictionary.
Swedish: ha för avsikt att

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

to intend to English

Swedishha för avsikt att

tu entends French

Swedishdu hör

the intention English


ta hand om Swedish

Englishtake care of, take charge of, see to, look after, tend, deal with, be in charge of
Frenchs'occuper de, garder, soigner
Germanverwahren, betrauen
Spanishocuparse de, cuidar, acoger

tomtenisse Swedish

Englishchristmas gnome, pixy, pixie

tomaten Swedish

Englishthe tomato
Frenchla tomate
Germandie Tomate
Italianil pomodoro
Spanishel tomate

tanten Swedish

Englishthe aunt
Frenchla tante
Germandie Tante

tend on English

Swedishvårda, sköta om

ta hand om English

Swedishtake care of