Searched for tomaten in the dictionary.
English: the tomato, German: die Tomate, French: la tomate, Spanish: el tomate, Italian: il pomodoro
tomaten Swedish | |
English | the tomato |
French | la tomate |
German | die Tomate |
Italian | il pomodoro |
Spanish | el tomate |
Tomaten German | |
English | tomatoes |
tomaatin Finnish | |
Swedish | tomat |
tanten Swedish | |
English | the aunt |
French | la tante |
German | die Tante |
tom-tom English | |
Swedish | slagverk |
tanden Swedish | |
German | der Zahn |
Spanish | el diente |
tentamen Swedish | |
English | examination, test |
Russian | экзамен |
tendens Swedish | |
English | inclination, trend, tendency |
Russian | тенденция |
Swedish | benägenhet |
tend on English | |
Swedish | vårda, sköta om |
tandem Latin | |
Swedish | äntligen |
tantum Latin | |
Swedish | bara, så mycket, blott |
tendon English | |
Czech | vaz |
Swedish | sena |
tandem English | |
Swedish | tandemcykel |
tomtenisse Swedish | |
English | christmas gnome, pixy, pixie |
tu entends French | |
Swedish | du hör |
Tomatensuppe German | |
English | tomato soup |
the nation English | |
Swedish | nationen |
the mutton English | |
Swedish | lammet |
tendency English | |
Swedish | anlag, benägenhet, tendens |
twentyone English | |
Swedish | tjugoett |
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