un gato

Searched for un gato in the dictionary.
Swedish: en katt

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

un gato Spanish

Swedishen katt

un gatto Italian

Swedishen katt

un gatito Spanish

Swedishen kattunge

un chat French

Swedishen katt

un site French

Englisha place, a site

ungdom Norwegian

GermanJugend, Jugendlicher, Jugendliche

uncouth English

Swedishklumpig, ouppfostrad, ohyfsad

un CD French

Swedishen CD

un stylo French

Swedishen kulspetspenna, en bläckpenna

unecht German


una cita Spanish

Swedishen träff

un CD Spanish

Swedishen CD

un cuadro Spanish

Swedishen tavla

un achat French


unseated English


un citron French

Swedishen citron

un giude French

Germanein Reiseführer, ein Fremdenführer

ungdom Swedish

Englishspring-chicken, youth, young people, youngster, juvenile, adolecent, adolescent
Frenchadolescence, adolescent, adolescente
Germandie Jugend
Spanishjoven, la juventud

unshot English

Swedishinte tagna

ung dam Swedish


A maximum of 20 results are shown.