Searched for unterstützen in the dictionary.
unterstützen German | |
English | abet, back, support |
untersuchen German | |
English | scan |
Swedish | undersöka |
Unterstuetzer German | |
English | backer, backers |
understate English | |
Swedish | ta till för lite |
unterstützt German | |
English | backed |
Unterstützer German | |
English | backers |
unterhalten German | |
Swedish | underhålla |
unterrichten German | |
English | educate, instruct |
Swedish | undervisa |
unternehmen German | |
English | wage, venture |
Swedish | företa sig |
unterbringen German | |
English | accommodate, to accommodate |
understudy English | |
Swedish | ersättare i roll |
unterstrich German | |
English | punctuated |
unterstreichen German | |
English | punctuate, underline |
understudy German | |
English | ersatz |
Unterstützung German | |
English | backing |
undersåte Swedish | |
English | subject |
unterbrechen German | |
Swedish | avbryta |
understatement English | |
Swedish | underdrift, undervärdering |
under tiden Swedish | |
English | meanwhile, during, in the meantime |
French | en attendant, entre-temps |
German | inzwischen, mittlerweile |
Italian | intanto |
Latin | intérea, interim, interea |
Spanish | mientras |
unterbrochen German | |
Finnish | kesken |
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