Searched for voleibol in the dictionary.
Swedish: vollyboll, volleyboll
voleibol Spanish | |
Swedish | vollyboll, volleyboll |
vollyboll Swedish | |
Spanish | voleibol |
volleyboll Swedish | |
English | volleyball |
Estonian | võrkpall |
French | le volley-ball |
German | Volleyball |
Russian | волейбол |
Spanish | voleibol, balonvolea |
voluble English | |
Swedish | munvig |
volleyball English | |
Swedish | volleyboll |
volleybollen Swedish | |
Spanish | el voleibol |
Volleyball German | |
Swedish | volleyboll |
valueable English | |
Swedish | värdefullt |
vill bli Swedish | |
English | want to be |
valuable English | |
Finnish | arvokas |
French | recherché |
Swedish | värdefull, värdefulla, dyrbar, värdesak |
valuables English | |
Swedish | värdesaker |
volubility English | |
Swedish | svada |
valvula Latin | |
Swedish | klaff |
välvilja Swedish | |
English | goodwill, kindness, benevolence |
Spanish | benevolencia, benignidad |
viloplats Swedish | |
English | resting point |
välvald Swedish | |
English | apt |
välbildad Swedish | |
English | shapely |
volleybollaget Swedish | |
German | das Volleyballteam -s |
valfläsk Swedish | |
English | election promises |
vollbeladen German | |
Swedish | fullastad |
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