English dictionary - a - at

at lenghth Swedishslutligen
at length Swedishomsider, sent om sider
at liberty Swedishi frihet
at London airport Swedishpå Londons flygplats
at long last Swedishäntligen
at me Swedishåt mig
at my age Swedishi min ålder
at my house Swedishhemma hos mig
at my place Swedishhos mig
at night GermanAbends, nachts
Swedishpå natten
Spanishde la noche
at nights Swedishpå kvällarna
at nine Swedishklockan nio
at noon Germanmittags
Swedishvid middagstiden
at once Swedishmed detsamma
at one point Swedishvid ett tillfälle
at our age Swedishi vår ålder
at our palce Swedishhemma hos oss
at present Swedishför närvarande
at quitting time Swedishvid arbetsdagens slut
at random Swedishpå måfå
at regular intervals Swedishmed jämna mellanrum
at rest Swedishi vila
at risk Swedishi fara
at school Swedishi skolan
at some time or other Swedishibland
at somebody's expense Swedishpå någons bekostnad
at someone's command Swedishpå någons befallning
at stake Swedishpå spel
at sunrise Swedishi soluppgången
at sunset Swedishi solnedgången
at that moment Swedishjust då
at that time Swedishvid den tiden
at that time of the day Swedishvid den här tiden på dagen
at that very moment Swedishi samma ögonblick
at the Germanam
at the age of thirty-five Swedishvid trettiofem års ålder
at the back Swedishbaktill
at the base of his spine Swedishlängst ner på ryggraden
at the bottom Swedishnedanför
at the bottom of Swedishvid foten av
at the bottom of the stairs Swedishnedanför trappan
at the bus stop Swedishvid busshållsplatsen
at the court Swedishvid hovet
at the crossroads Finnishristeyksessä
at the earliest Swedishtidigast
at the edge of the forest Swedishvid skogsbrynet
at the end Swedishi slutet
at the end of Swedishvid slutet av
at the end of the 50s Swedishi slutet av 50-talet
at the end of the eighteenth century Swedishi slutet av 1700-talet
at the end of the road Swedishvid slutet av vägen
at the end of the street Czechna konci ulice
at the expenses of Swedishpå bekostnad av
at the front Swedishframtill
at the head Swedishi täten
at the helm Swedishvid rodret
at the last moment Swedishi sista ögonblicket
at the latest Swedishsenast
at the left of Swedishtill vänster om
at the moment Swedishför ögonblicket
Germanim Augenblick
at the most Swedishsom mest
at the new school Germanan der neuen Schule
at the next Swedishvid nästa
at the party Swedishpå partyt
at the present time Finnishnykyisin
at the rear Swedishlängst bak
at the right of Swedishtill höger om
at the same level as Swedishpå samma nivå som
at the same time Swedishsamtidigt
Frenchen même temps
at the spur of the moment Swedishi stundens ingivelse
at the stables Swedishi stallet
at the stake Swedishpå bål
at the student pub Swedishpå studentpuben
at the time Swedishvid den tiden
at the top Swedishhögst upp
Estoniantipus, ladvas
at the top of Swedishlängst uppe i
at the utmost Swedishpå sin höjd
at the very top Swedishallra högst upp
at the village Swedishpå lägret
at the wrong moment Swedishi otid