English dictionary - p


P.A. announcement - packaging product packed - pain threshold painful - Palau pale - Panama Panama Canal - paper money paper-based - paraffin lamp paraffin-oil - parasitology parasoll - parental responsibility parentheses - parliamentary chamber parliamentary committee - parliamentary document parliamentary election - parliamentary question parliamentary seat - parse parsley - participation of women participator - party financing party organisation - passenger tariff passengers - pasteurised milk pastiche - patents licence paternal - patronage patronise - pay cut pay dearly - pay television pay the expenses - pays




P.E - peacekeeping peacekeeping force - pedestrian pedestrian area - penal code penal institution - penitentiary staff penniless - per capita per capita consumption - perfect perfection - periodical publication periods - permitted pernicious - personal effects personal estate - personally personally,I believe that - pesticide pesticide residue - petrochemicals petrodollar - petroleum product petroleum production - pey


Pfund - Pfund


Ph.D - pharmacology pharmacy - phone booth phone box - photographic industry photographs - physical process physical science - physique


pianist - piddling pidgeon - pigmeat pigs - pinkie pinkie finger - pissed pisted - pizza


placard - planetarium planetary researcher - plant disease plant health control - plant propagation plant resources - plastering plasters - platinum platitude - pleaded pleading - plot plot against - plutonium plywood - plywood box


2.00 pm - pm


pneumatic - pneumonia


6p off - poked poker - police cooperation police cordon - political alternation political arbitration - political coalition political cohabitation - political geography political group - political kidnapping political leader - political motivation political opinion - political prisoner political programme - political responsibility political right - political split political status - politician politicians - pollution pollution control - pollution of waterways polo neck jumper - poor poor eyesight - population census population density - population policy population statistics - port traffic portabel - possessive possessiveness - postal and telecommunications services postal charges - posting postman - potplant potpourri - poverty powder - power of implementation power of initiative - powerless powerlessness - Pows up!


PR - pre-accession strategy pre-eminently - precious metal precious stone - prefabrication preface - preliminary draft budget preliminary draft EC budget - prepared foodstuff prepared for - President president - press communiqué press the button - prevention prevention of delinquency - price disparity price fixed in advance - price index price indexing - price of farm land price of land - price support price tag - primary election primary product - Principality of Asturias principally - printer printer's error - prisoner prisoner of war - private education provider private forest - private limited company private means of transport - private stock private university (Am) - problem problem solving - processing under customs control processor - product design product designation - product specialisation product-development - production improvement production planning - production statistics production surplus - professional association professional career - professional secret professional society - profitability profitable - progress report progressed - promotion promotion of the European idea - propel propeller - prophecy prophesied - prostitution prostrate - protection of freedoms protection of minorities - protective clause protective equipment - protocol protocol on sugar - provided that providence - Province of Limbourg Province of Liège - provision provision of services - pry apart


psalm - psychology psychotropic substance - psychotropic substance


PTA - ptomaine poisoning


pub - public borrowing public building - public economy public education - public hearing public higher education - public investment public law - public office public opinion - public relations public road - public stock public taxation - publication of tariffs publications - puce puck - pulp and paper industry pulpet - pupil social welfare staff pupil welfare - purchasing power parity pure - put away put back - puzzling


pygmy - python

på land - på morgonen