English dictionary - p - pl

platitude Swedishbanalitet
Plato SwedishPlaton
platter Swedishtallrik
GermanServierplatte, Triter
platton Swedishpluton
platypus Swedishnäbbdjur
plaudit Swedishgillande
plaudits Swedishapplåder
plausible Swedishantaglig
play Swedishleka
GermanSpiel, spielen, Stück, Theaterstück
play tricks on Swedishspela spratt för
play a part Swedishspela en roll
play a trick Swedishgöra bus
play a trick on Swedishskoja med
play about Swedishbusar
play against Swedishspela mot
play an instrument Swedishspela ett instrument
play around Swedishha roligt
play basket Swedishspela basket
play basketball Swedishspela basket
play booty Swedishgöra anspråk på bytet
play boules Frenchjouer aux boules
play cards Swedishspela kort
play chess Swedishspela schack
play computer games Swedishspela dataspel
play down Swedishavdramatisera
play football Swedishspela fotboll
play footboll Swedishspela fotboll
play footsie with Swedishslå ihop sig med
play footsie with the cops Swedishslå sig ihop med polisen
play games Swedishspela spel
play hide-and-seek Swedishleka kurragömma
play hookey Swedishskolka
play hooky Swedishskolka
play hopscotch Swedishhoppa hage
play it loose Swedishta det lugnt
play jokes on Swedishskämta med
play marbles Swedishspela kula
play music Swedishmusicera
play of features Swedishminspel
play room Swedishlekrum
play rounders Swedishspela brännboll
play sports Swedishidrotta
play the fool Swedishspela pajas
play the guitar Swedishspela gitarr
play the piano Swedishspela piano
play the signature tune Swedishspela signaturmelodin
play the violin Swedishspela fiol
play them up Swedishställer till bråk för dem
play tricks Swedishgöra bus
play tricks on Swedishspela spratt
play tricks on ... Swedishspela ... ett spratt
play tricks on people Swedishspela folk spratt
play truant Swedishskolka
Germandie Schule schwänzen
play with me Swedishspela med mej
play-peg Swedishbarnhage
playability Swedishspelbarhet
playable Swedishspelbar
playback Swedishuppspelning
playcarding Swedishaffischering
played Swedishspelade
played by Swedishsom spelas av
played the part so well Swedishspelade rollen så bra
player Swedishspelare
players Swedishspelare
playful Spanishjuguetón
playfull Swedishlekfull
playfully Swedishlekfullt
playground Swedishlekplats
playhouse Swedishteater
playing Swedishspelar
playing field Swedishidrottsplan
playmate Swedishlekkamrat
playoffs Swedishslutspel
playright Russianдраматург
plays Swedishspelar
plays entirely by ear Swedishspelar helt på gehör
playwright Swedishdramatiker
plaza GermanPlatz
plea Swedishvädjan
plead Swedishvädja
plead guilty Swedisherkänna sig skyldig
plead with Swedishvädja till
pleaded Swedishbad