bilder fysiologiska

Text to image alternatives

Image to text alternatives

Image to text

Select questions (16)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • bowmans kapsel, proximal tubule, descending loop of henle
  • dendriter, axon, ranviernoder, myelin skidor, axon terminal
  • frontallob, parietallob, talamus, occipitallob, cerebellum
  • främre hypofysen, tallkottkörteln
  • förlängda märgen, pons, temporallob, hypofysen, hypotalamus
  • loop of henle, ascending loop of henle, distal tubule, collecting duct
  • talamus, hypotalamus, bakre hypofysen
  • skalp, benhinnan, skallben
  • dura mater, spindevävshinnan, pia mater
  • dorsal horn, ventral horn, grå substans, vit substans
  • ACh, nikotinreceptor
  • ACh, noradrenalin
  • iris, glaskropp, näthinna, gula fläcken
  • synnerv, lins, hornhinna
  • preganglieneuron, postganglieneuron, målvävnad
  • mitthjärnan, pons, förlängda märgen

All None

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