Searched for Hauptstadt in the dictionary.
Hauptstadt German | |
Czech | hlavní město |
Danish | hovedstad |
Dutch | hoofdstad |
English | capital, capital city |
Finnish | pääkaupunki |
French | capitale |
Greek | πρωτεύoυσα |
Hungarian | főváros |
Italian | città capitale |
Latvian | galvaspilsēta |
Polish | stolica |
Portuguese | capital |
Slovenian | glavno mesto |
Spanish | capital (ciudad) |
Swedish | huvudstad |
Hauptstädte German | |
Swedish | huvudstäder |
huvudstad Swedish | |
Czech | hlavní město |
Danish | hovedstad |
Dutch | hoofdstad |
English | capital, capital city |
Finnish | pääkaupunki |
French | capitle, capitale, capital |
German | Hauptstadt |
Greek | πρωτεύoυσα |
Hungarian | főváros |
Icelandic | höfuðborg |
Italian | città capitale, capitale |
Latvian | galvaspilsēta |
Polish | stolica |
Portuguese | capital |
Russian | cтoлицa, столица |
Slovenian | glavno mesto |
Spanish | capital, capital (ciudad) |
hoofdstad Dutch | |
Czech | hlavní město |
Danish | hovedstad |
English | capital city |
Finnish | pääkaupunki |
French | capitale |
German | Hauptstadt |
Greek | πρωτεύoυσα |
Hungarian | főváros |
Italian | città capitale |
Latvian | galvaspilsēta |
Polish | stolica |
Portuguese | capital |
Slovenian | glavno mesto |
Spanish | capital (ciudad) |
Swedish | huvudstad |
hovedstad Danish | |
Czech | hlavní město |
Dutch | hoofdstad |
English | capital city, capital |
Finnish | pääkaupunki |
French | capitale |
German | Hauptstadt |
Greek | πρωτεύoυσα |
Hungarian | főváros |
Italian | città capitale |
Latvian | galvaspilsēta |
Polish | stolica |
Portuguese | capital |
Slovenian | glavno mesto |
Spanish | capital (ciudad) |
Swedish | huvudstad |
Hauptsegel German | |
English | mainsail |
Hauptsache German | |
Swedish | huvudsak |
häftstift Swedish | |
English | tack, drawing pin, thumb tack, thumbtack, drawing pins |
huvudsad Swedish | |
English | capital |
huvudstaden Swedish | |
Bulgarian | София |
French | la capitale |
German | die Hauptstadt, die Haupstadt |
Italian | la capitale |
Spanish | la capital |
habits English | |
Swedish | vanor |
hipoteka Slovenian | |
Czech | hypotéka |
Danish | panterettighed |
Dutch | hypotheek |
English | mortgage |
Finnish | kiinnitys |
French | hypothèque |
German | Hypothek |
Greek | υπoθήκη |
Hungarian | jelzálog |
Italian | ipoteca |
Latvian | hipotēka |
Polish | hipoteka |
Portuguese | hipoteca |
Spanish | hipoteca |
Swedish | hypotek |
hipoteka Polish | |
Czech | hypotéka |
Danish | panterettighed |
Dutch | hypotheek |
English | mortgage |
Finnish | kiinnitys |
French | hypothèque |
German | Hypothek |
Greek | υπoθήκη |
Hungarian | jelzálog |
Italian | ipoteca |
Latvian | hipotēka |
Portuguese | hipoteca |
Slovenian | hipoteka |
Spanish | hipoteca |
Swedish | hypotek |
hipoteca Portuguese | |
Czech | hypotéka |
Danish | panterettighed |
Dutch | hypotheek |
English | mortgage |
Finnish | kiinnitys |
French | hypothèque |
German | Hypothek |
Greek | υπoθήκη |
Hungarian | jelzálog |
Italian | ipoteca |
Latvian | hipotēka |
Polish | hipoteka |
Slovenian | hipoteka |
Spanish | hipoteca |
Swedish | hypotek |
hipoteca Spanish | |
Czech | hypotéka |
Danish | panterettighed |
Dutch | hypotheek |
English | mortgage |
Finnish | kiinnitys |
French | hypothèque |
German | Hypothek |
Greek | υπoθήκη |
Hungarian | jelzálog |
Italian | ipoteca |
Latvian | hipotēka |
Polish | hipoteka |
Portuguese | hipoteca |
Slovenian | hipoteka |
Swedish | hypotek |
huvudstöd Swedish | |
French | accotoir |
huvudgatan Swedish | |
English | main avenue |
häftigare Swedish | |
Spanish | más chulo |
häftstiftet Swedish | |
English | the tack |
French | la punaise |
German | die Reißzwecke |
hypotes Swedish | |
English | hypothesis |
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