Searched for accentuation in the dictionary.
German: die Betonung, Swedish: betoning
accentuation French | |
Swedish | betoning, accentuering |
accentuation English | |
German | die Betonung |
Swedish | betoning |
accentuating English | |
German | betonend |
accentuate English | |
German | betonen |
accentuated English | |
German | betonte |
accentuates English | |
German | betont |
accentutate English | |
Swedish | accentuera |
accomodation English | |
German | Übernachtung, Quartier |
Swedish | husrum, inkvartering |
accent aigu French | |
Swedish | akut accent |
accentuering Swedish | |
French | accentuation |
accentué French | |
Swedish | betonad, accentuerad, med accent |
accenttecken Swedish | |
German | Akzent, Akzentzeichen |
accommodation French | |
Swedish | anpassning, ackommodation, ackommodationsförmåga |
accentuera Swedish | |
English | accentutate |
French | accentuer |
German | akzentuieren |
accentuerad Swedish | |
French | accentué, accentuée |
accentueras Swedish | |
French | s'accentuer, s'accuser |
accentuer French | |
Swedish | betona, accentuera, skärpa |
accentuée French | |
Swedish | betonad, accentuerad, med accent |
accommodation English | |
German | Unterkunft |
Swedish | bostad, logi, ackommodation, rum, inkvartering, rum, logi, anpassning, boende, husrum, någonstans att bo |
accenten Swedish | |
German | der Akzent, das Akzentzeichen |
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