de heter
Searched for de heter in the dictionary.
German: sie heißen, French: ils s'appellent, Spanish: se llaman, Italian: si chiamano
de heter Swedish | |
French | ils s'appellent |
German | sie heißen |
Italian | si chiamano |
Spanish | se llaman |
du heter Swedish | |
German | du heißt, du heisst |
Italian | ti chiami |
Spanish | te llamas, te iiamas |
de äter Swedish | |
Finnish | he syövät |
German | sie essen |
Italian | mangiano |
Spanish | comen |
de hittar Swedish | |
Spanish | encuentran |
deter English | |
Swedish | avskräcka |
du äter Swedish | |
Finnish | sinä syöt |
German | du isst |
Spanish | tu comes, comes |
de tar Swedish | |
French | ils prennent, elles prennent |
det äter Swedish | |
German | es isst |
Spanish | come |
die Täter German | |
Swedish | gärningsmännen |
dotter Swedish | |
English | daughter, daugther |
Estonian | tütar |
Finnish | tytär |
French | fille |
German | Tochter |
Italian | figlia |
Latin | filia |
Persian | doxtar |
Portuguese | filha |
Russian | дочь |
Croatian | ćerka, kćérka |
Slovenian | hčerka |
Lule Sami | niejdda |
Spanish | hija |
die Dauer German | |
Swedish | tidslängden |
de tre Swedish | |
English | the three of them |
det har German | |
Swedish | es hat |
die Ader German | |
Swedish | ådern, ådran, nerven |
datter Norwegian | |
German | Tochter |
du hittar Swedish | |
Spanish | encuentras |
du tar Swedish | |
French | tu prends |
German | du nimmst |
Spanish | tomas |
de där Swedish | |
Bulgarian | онези |
English | those, these |
Finnish | nuo |
Hungarian | azok |
det här Swedish | |
Bulgarian | това |
English | these, this, that |
Finnish | tuo |
French | ça, ca, cette, ce, cet |
German | dieser, dieses, diese |
Italian | questo, questa |
Latin | hoc |
Lule Sami | dát |
Spanish | esto, esta, este |
det har Swedish | |
English | it has |
German | es hat |
Italian | ha |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.