die Portion
Searched for die Portion in the dictionary.
die Portion German | |
Swedish | portionen |
die Operation German | |
Swedish | operationen |
deportivo Spanish | |
Swedish | sport-, om sport |
deportation Swedish | |
English | transportation, förvisning |
deportation English | |
Czech | vyhoštění |
Danish | udvisning |
Dutch | uitwijzing |
Finnish | karkotus |
French | expulsion |
German | Ausweisung |
Greek | απέλαση |
Hungarian | kiutasítás |
Italian | espulsione |
Latvian | izraidīšana |
Polish | deportacja |
Portuguese | expulsão |
Slovenian | izgon |
Spanish | expulsión |
Swedish | förvisning, utvisning |
die Produktion German | |
Swedish | produktionen |
die Party German | |
Swedish | partyt, festen |
die Partei German | |
Swedish | partiet |
die Operationen German | |
Swedish | operationerna |
deportment English | |
Swedish | uppförande |
deportato Italian | |
Czech | deportovaná osoba |
Danish | deporteret |
Dutch | gedeporteerde |
English | deportee |
Finnish | karkotettu |
French | déporté |
German | Deportierter |
Greek | εκτoπισμέvoς |
Hungarian | deportált |
Latvian | izraidīta persona |
Polish | deportowany |
Portuguese | deportado |
Slovenian | izgnanec |
Spanish | deportado |
Swedish | deporterad |
deportado Portuguese | |
Czech | deportovaná osoba |
Danish | deporteret |
Dutch | gedeporteerde |
English | deportee |
Finnish | karkotettu |
French | déporté |
German | Deportierter |
Greek | εκτoπισμέvoς |
Hungarian | deportált |
Italian | deportato |
Latvian | izraidīta persona |
Polish | deportowany |
Slovenian | izgnanec |
Spanish | deportado |
Swedish | deporterad |
deporte Spanish | |
Czech | sport |
Danish | sport |
Dutch | sport |
English | sport |
Finnish | urheilu |
French | sport |
German | Sport |
Greek | αθλητισμός |
Hungarian | sport |
Italian | sport |
Latvian | sports |
Polish | sport |
Portuguese | desporto |
Slovenian | šport |
Swedish | sport, idrott |
deportado Spanish | |
Czech | deportovaná osoba |
Danish | deporteret |
Dutch | gedeporteerde |
English | deportee |
Finnish | karkotettu |
French | déporté |
German | Deportierter |
Greek | εκτoπισμέvoς |
Hungarian | deportált |
Italian | deportato |
Latvian | izraidīta persona |
Polish | deportowany |
Portuguese | deportado |
Slovenian | izgnanec |
Swedish | deporterad |
deportista Spanish | |
English | athletic |
Swedish | idrottsman, sportig |
deportes Spanish | |
Swedish | sporter |
departing English | |
German | abfliegen |
deportee English | |
Czech | deportovaná osoba |
Danish | deporteret |
Dutch | gedeporteerde |
Finnish | karkotettu |
French | déporté |
German | Deportierter |
Greek | εκτoπισμέvoς |
Hungarian | deportált |
Italian | deportato |
Latvian | izraidīta persona |
Polish | deportowany |
Portuguese | deportado |
Slovenian | izgnanec |
Spanish | deportado |
Swedish | deporterad |
deportera Swedish | |
English | deport |
Swedish | tvångsförflytta, skicka iväg någon från ett land, förvisa |
deport English | |
Swedish | deportera, utvisa |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.