en skidord

Searched for en skidord in the dictionary.
French: une station de ski

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

en skidord Swedish

Frenchune station de ski

en skida Swedish

Lule Samisabek

en sked Swedish

Lule Samibassti
Spanishuna cuchara

en skada Swedish

Englishan injury

enskidig Swedish


en sida Swedish

Spanishuna pagina

en gitarr Swedish

Frenchune guitare, une guitar
Spanishuna guitarra

en strid Swedish

Spanishuna lucha

en sådan Swedish

Englishsuch a
Germanso eine

en stol Swedish

Frenchune chaise
Lule Samiståvllå
Spanishuna silla

ensidiga Swedish


ensidig Swedish

Englishunilateral, one-page

en stil Swedish

Frenchun style

en student Swedish

Spanishun estudiante

en stund Swedish

Englisha while, a white, awhile, for a while
Frenchun moment
Germaneine Weile
Spanishun momento

en stund Norwegian


en stad Swedish

Englishone city
Frenchune ville
Germaneine Stadt
Spanishuna ciudad

en åktur Swedish

Englisha ride

en sötsak Swedish

Spanishun dulce

en historie Norwegian


A maximum of 20 results are shown.