Searched for jestingly in the dictionary.
Swedish: skämtande
jestingly English | |
Swedish | skämtande |
just nu Swedish | |
English | right now, at the moment, currently, for the time being, just now |
Estonian | praegu |
French | actuellement |
German | momentan, genau, zurzeit, zur Zeit |
Spanish | por ahora, ahora mismo, hoy por hoy |
just när Swedish | |
English | just as |
German | gerade, als |
justness English | |
Swedish | rättvisa |
just now English | |
Swedish | nyss, just nu, precis nu |
just nii Estonian | |
Swedish | just det |
jakten Swedish | |
English | the hunt |
French | la chasse |
German | die Jagd |
just den Swedish | |
Italian | propio quello |
jacketing English | |
Swedish | smörj |
just then English | |
German | gerade dann |
Swedish | precis då |
jag stannar Swedish | |
Italian | mi fermo |
just enough English | |
Swedish | lagom |
jakthund Swedish | |
English | hunting-dog, hound |
jag stänger Swedish | |
Spanish | cierreo |
jaktmark Swedish | |
English | hunting ground |
just in case English | |
Finnish | varmuuden vuoksi |
just in time English | |
Swedish | i sista ögonblicket, precis i tid |