Searched for joystick in the dictionary.
Russian: джойстик, Swedish: styrspak
joystick Swedish | |
Russian | джойстик |
joystick English | |
Swedish | styrspak |
joss-stick English | |
Swedish | rökelsepinne |
justice English | |
Swedish | rättvisa |
just as English | |
Swedish | just när, precis som |
justiciar English | |
Swedish | högste domare |
jag sticker Swedish | |
French | je file |
jag tycker Swedish | |
English | I think |
French | à mon avis, je trouve, j'ai l'impression |
German | ich finde |
Spanish | pienso |
just som Swedish | |
English | as |
German | gerade, als |
justiciary English | |
Swedish | domsrätt |
just så Swedish | |
English | thats the way, that's the way |
jag täcker Swedish | |
Russian | я крою |
Spanish | cubro |
justiceship English | |
Swedish | domarämbete |
jaktsätt Swedish | |
English | way of hunting |
Jag sticker! Swedish | |
English | I'm off! |
justiciable English | |
Swedish | straffbrottslig |
jaktstugan Swedish | |
German | die Jagdhütte |