o best
Searched for o best in the dictionary.
German: oh gut
o best Dutch | |
German | oh gut |
Obst German | |
Czech | ovoce |
Danish | frugt |
Dutch | fruit |
English | fruit |
Finnish | hedelmä |
French | fruit |
Greek | καρπός |
Hungarian | gyümölcs |
Italian | frutto |
Latvian | augļi |
Polish | owoce |
Portuguese | fruto |
Slovenian | sadje |
Spanish | fruto |
Swedish | frukt |
opuesto Spanish | |
Swedish | motsats |
obesity English | |
Swedish | dästhet, överdriven fetma, extrem övervikt |
obesatt Swedish | |
English | vacant |
obygd Swedish | |
English | outback |
obesitas Latin | |
Swedish | fetma |
opisto Finnish | |
German | Institut |
o postal Portuguese | |
German | die Postkarte |
offset English | |
Swedish | kompenserad, neutralisera, utjämna, uppväga |
oavsett Swedish | |
English | regardless of, regardless, no matter, apart from |
German | abgesehen |
ovigt Swedish | |
English | ungainly |
obestånd Swedish | |
English | insolvency |
opposite English | |
Czech | naproti |
Swedish | mitt emot, mittemot, motsats, motsatt, tvärt emot, emot |
oppsite English | |
Swedish | mittemot, motsats |
opposed English | |
Swedish | kontrasterande, motsatt |
ohyfsad Swedish | |
English | rude, vulgar, uncouth, coarse |
Spanish | bárbaro, bárbara, basto, basta, bruto, bruta |
obestämd Swedish | |
English | vague, undetermined, nonspecific |
Spanish | indeterminado |
obchod Czech | |
English | shop |
opastaa Finnish | |
English | guide |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.