Searched for pflücken in the dictionary.
pflücken German | |
Swedish | plocka |
pflegen German | |
English | maintain |
Swedish | vårda, bruka, sköta |
pflügen German | |
English | plough, plow |
påflugen Swedish | |
English | pushy, obtrusive |
Spanish | baboso, babosa |
policemen English | |
German | Polizisten |
Swedish | poliser |
polisen Swedish | |
English | the policeman, the police |
French | le policier, l'agent de police |
German | die Polizei, der Polizist |
Spanish | policía, el policía, la policia, la policía |
polisen Spanish | |
Swedish | la policía |
pelikan Swedish | |
English | pelican |
Russian | пеликан |
pelican English | |
Swedish | pelikan |
plagen German | |
English | plage, plague |
pleasent English | |
Swedish | trevligt |
placenta English | |
Swedish | moderkaka |
policeman English | |
German | Polizist |
Polish | policjant |
Spanish | policía |
Swedish | polis, manlig polis, polisman |
plockande Swedish | |
English | picking |
policjant Polish | |
English | policeman |
på fläcken Swedish | |
English | on the spot |
plågan Swedish | |
German | die Plage |
pälsen Swedish | |
French | le pelage |
German | das Fell |
paljon Finnish | |
English | much, a lot of |
German | viel |
Swedish | mycket |
polisman Swedish | |
English | police man, policeman, police officer |
French | agent |
German | Polizist |
Russian | милиционер |
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