skydda mot
Searched for skydda mot in the dictionary.
English: shield, protect from, sheild from, shield from
skydda mot Swedish | |
English | shield, protect from, sheild from, shield from |
skyddande Swedish | |
English | protective |
stöta emot Swedish | |
English | bump |
French | accrocher |
skydande Swedish | |
English | protective |
stå emot Swedish | |
English | endure, stand up to, brave, braved, repeal, withstand, resist |
ståta med Swedish | |
English | sport |
stand it English | |
Swedish | stå ut med det |
stand at English | |
Swedish | uppgå till |
stand for English | |
Swedish | stå för, vara förkortning för, innebära |
skjuta ned Swedish | |
French | abattre |
så dumt Swedish | |
English | how stupid |
stand out English | |
Swedish | framstå, vara avvikande, sticka av, vara avvikande, sticka av, synas, sticka ut |
sådant Swedish | |
English | such |
stundom Swedish | |
English | sometimes, sometime |
standard Slovenian | |
Czech | norma |
Danish | norm |
Dutch | norm |
English | standard |
Finnish | standardi |
French | norme |
German | Norm |
Greek | πρότυπo |
Hungarian | szabvány |
Italian | norma |
Latvian | standarts |
Polish | norma |
Portuguese | norma |
Spanish | norma |
Swedish | standard |
standarts Latvian | |
Czech | norma |
Danish | norm |
Dutch | norm |
English | standard |
Finnish | standardi |
French | norme |
German | Norm |
Greek | πρότυπo |
Hungarian | szabvány |
Italian | norma |
Polish | norma |
Portuguese | norma |
Slovenian | standard |
Spanish | norma |
Swedish | standard |
sedmdesát Czech | |
English | 70 |
Swedish | sjuttio |
standardi Finnish | |
Czech | norma |
Danish | norm |
Dutch | norm |
English | standard |
French | norme |
German | Norm |
Greek | πρότυπo |
Hungarian | szabvány |
Italian | norma |
Latvian | standarts |
Polish | norma |
Portuguese | norma |
Slovenian | standard |
Spanish | norma |
Swedish | standard |
suhdanteet Finnish | |
Czech | hospodářský cyklus |
Danish | konjunkturcyklus |
Dutch | economische kringloop |
English | economic cycle |
French | cycle économique |
German | Konjunkturzyklus |
Greek | oικovoμικός κύκλoς |
Hungarian | gazdasági ciklus |
Italian | ciclo economico |
Latvian | ekonomikas cikls |
Polish | cykl gospodarczy |
Portuguese | ciclo económico |
Slovenian | gospodarski ciklus |
Spanish | ciclo económico |
Swedish | konjunkturcykel |
standort German | |
English | located |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.