spit at
Searched for spit at in the dictionary.
Swedish: spotta åt, spotta på
spit at English | |
Swedish | spotta åt, spotta på |
spottat Swedish | |
English | spat |
se vit ut Swedish | |
Spanish | blanquear |
spotta ut Swedish | |
English | expectorate |
German | ausspucken |
spottade Swedish | |
English | spat |
spotted English | |
Swedish | fick syn på, prickig, lade märke till, fläckig, prickigt, sedda, upptäckta, spräcklig |
sie badet German | |
Swedish | hon badar |
shifted English | |
Swedish | växlade |
subtotal English | |
Swedish | delsumma |
spotta åt Swedish | |
English | spit at |
spedition Swedish | |
English | forwarding |
späda ut Swedish | |
English | dilute |
speditör Swedish | |
English | forwarding agent, shipper, forwarder, shipping agent |
French | agent en douance |
svettades Swedish | |
English | sweating |
subdued English | |
Swedish | dämpad |
softwood English | |
Swedish | barrved |
subtitles English | |
Swedish | undertexter, textremsor |
súbdito Spanish | |
Swedish | underlydande |
sivutuote Finnish | |
Czech | vedlejší produkt |
Danish | biprodukt |
Dutch | bijproduct |
English | by-product |
French | sous-produit |
German | Nebenerzeugnis |
Greek | υπoπρoϊόv |
Hungarian | melléktermék |
Italian | sottoprodotto |
Latvian | blakusprodukts |
Polish | produkt uboczny |
Portuguese | subproduto |
Slovenian | stranski proizvod |
Spanish | subproducto |
Swedish | biprodukt |
soffpotatis Swedish | |
English | couch potato |
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