Searched for stödja in the dictionary.
English: support, brace, promote, encourage, be supportive, uphold, back up, stick up for, plump for, German: stützen, Spanish: apoyar, basar, Swedish: support
stödja English | |
Swedish | support |
stödja Swedish | |
English | support, brace, promote, encourage, be supportive, uphold, back up, stick up for, plump for |
German | stützen |
Spanish | apoyar, basar |
stödtaxa Swedish | |
Czech | podpůrný tarif |
Danish | støttetarif |
Dutch | steuntarief |
English | support tariff |
Finnish | tukitariffi |
French | tarif de soutien |
German | Unterstützungstarif |
Greek | τιμoλόγιo στήριξης |
Hungarian | támogatott díjszabás |
Italian | tariffa di sostegno |
Latvian | atbalsta tarifs |
Polish | taryfa wsparcia |
Portuguese | tarifa de apoio |
Slovenian | podporna tarifa |
Spanish | tarifa de sostenimiento |
stædig Danish | |
Swedish | envis |
stoja Swedish | |
English | romp |
Spanish | alborotar |
støj Danish | |
Czech | hluk |
Dutch | lawaai |
English | noise |
Finnish | melu |
French | bruit |
German | Lärm |
Greek | θόρυβoς |
Hungarian | zaj |
Italian | rumore |
Latvian | troksnis |
Polish | hałas |
Portuguese | ruído |
Slovenian | hrup |
Spanish | ruido |
Swedish | buller, oväsen |
stöddig Swedish | |
English | bossy, strapping, big-headed |
stiga Swedish | |
English | rise, trail, tread, ascend, increase, soar, step, mount, climb |
French | croître, s'accroître |
Spanish | subir |
stíg Swedish | |
English | footpath |
stück German | |
English | piece |
steka Swedish | |
English | fry, roast, broil |
German | braten |
Lule Sami | basset |
Spanish | asar, frear |
stoj Swedish | |
English | noise, hubbub |
German | Allotria |
Spanish | barullo, bochinche, bulla, bullicio |
stycka Swedish | |
English | cut up |
Spanish | beneficiar |
stega Swedish | |
English | pace |
sticka Swedish | |
English | sting, knit, splinter, scarper, prick, drop dead, plunge, go over the hill |
French | tricoter, se tirer, aguille à tricoter |
German | stricken, abhauen |
Spanish | darse el bote |
sadje Slovenian | |
Czech | ovoce |
Danish | frugt |
Dutch | fruit |
English | fruit |
Finnish | hedelmä |
French | fruit |
German | Obst |
Greek | καρπός |
Hungarian | gyümölcs |
Italian | frutto |
Latvian | augļi |
Polish | owoce |
Portuguese | fruto |
Spanish | fruto |
Swedish | frukt |
ståhej Swedish | |
English | to-do, fuss |
Spanish | babel, balumba, batahola, bochinche |
súdac Croatian | |
Swedish | domare |
stuka Swedish | |
Danish | forstuve |
English | sprain |
stuga Swedish | |
English | chalet, cabin, cottage, lodge |
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