Searched for strumpsticka in the dictionary.
English: knitting-needle
strumpsticka Swedish | |
English | knitting-needle |
strumporna Swedish | |
French | les chaussettes |
German | die Strumpfen |
Spanish | los calcetines |
strumpmärke Swedish | |
English | sock mark |
strumpa Swedish | |
English | sock |
strumpbyxa Swedish | |
English | stocking |
strumpan Swedish | |
English | the sock |
French | le bas, la chaussette |
German | der Strumpf -e+, die Socke |
Spanish | el calcetin, el calcetín |
strumpeband Swedish | |
English | garter |
strumpbyxorna Swedish | |
French | le collant, les collants |
strumpbyxor Swedish | |
English | tights, pantyhose, pantyhouse |
Finnish | sukkahousut |
German | Strumpfhose |
Spanish | medias |
struntsumma Swedish | |
French | bagatelle |
strumpor Swedish | |
English | socks, hosiery, stockings, a pair of socks |
French | chausettes, des chaussettes |
German | Socken, Strümpfe |
Japanese | kutsushita |
Spanish | los calcetines, calcetines |
struma Swedish | |
English | goitre |
Spanish | bocio, buche |
stormlucka Swedish | |
English | deadlight |
strumpbyxan Swedish | |
German | die Strumpfhose |
struntsak Swedish | |
English | trifle |
French | babiole, bagatelle |
Spanish | bagatela, asunto baladí, cosa baladí, bicoca |
struma Latin | |
Swedish | körtelförstoring |
strampeln German | |
English | kick |
stringtrosa Swedish | |
English | thong |
storia antica Italian | |
Czech | historie starověku |
Danish | oldtidshistorie |
Dutch | klassieke geschiedenis |
English | ancient history |
Finnish | antiikin historia |
French | histoire ancienne |
German | Geschichte des klassischen Altertums |
Greek | αρχαία ιστoρία |
Hungarian | ókortörténet |
Latvian | seno laiku vēsture |
Polish | historia starożytna |
Portuguese | História Antiga |
Slovenian | starejša zgodovina |
Spanish | historia antigua |
Swedish | fornhistoria |
Strumpfhose German | |
Swedish | strumpbyxor |
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