Searched for Strümpfe in the dictionary.
strumpor Swedish | |
English | socks, hosiery, stockings, a pair of socks |
French | chausettes, des chaussettes |
German | Socken, Strümpfe |
Japanese | kutsushita |
Spanish | los calcetines, calcetines |
strumpa Swedish | |
English | sock |
strumpan Swedish | |
English | the sock |
French | le bas, la chaussette |
German | der Strumpf -e+, die Socke |
Spanish | el calcetin, el calcetín |
struma Swedish | |
English | goitre |
Spanish | bocio, buche |
struma Latin | |
Swedish | körtelförstoring |
Strümpfe German | |
English | stockings |
Swedish | strumpor |
strumporna Swedish | |
French | les chaussettes |
German | die Strumpfen |
Spanish | los calcetines |
stramm German | |
English | tight |
strangle English | |
Swedish | strypa |
strange English | |
Estonian | võõras, imelik |
German | seltsam |
Swedish | konstigt, konstig, konstiga, underlig, främmande, egen, märkvärdig, märkligt, underligt, underliga, egendomlig |
strimma Swedish | |
English | vein, whisp, stripe, trail, streak, weal |
French | zébrure |
strunt Swedish | |
English | garbage, rubbish |
French | âneries |
Spanish | burrada |
Strumpfhose German | |
Swedish | strumpbyxor |
strampeln German | |
English | kick |
stor mage Swedish | |
Spanish | barrigón, barrigona |
strimmig Swedish | |
French | zébré, zébrée |
strumpbyxa Swedish | |
English | stocking |
strimla Swedish | |
English | shred |
stram Swedish | |
English | taut, stiff, tight |
strom Czech | |
Danish | træ (plante) |
Dutch | boom |
English | tree |
Finnish | puu |
French | arbre |
German | Baum |
Greek | δέvδρo |
Hungarian | fa |
Italian | albero |
Latvian | koks |
Polish | drzewo |
Portuguese | árvore |
Slovenian | drevo |
Spanish | árbol |
Swedish | träd |
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