Searched for talous in the dictionary.
English: economy, German: Wirtschaft, French: économie, Spanish: economía, Italian: economia, Greek: oικovoμία, Czech: hospodářství, Danish: økonomi
talous Finnish | |
Czech | hospodářství |
Danish | økonomi |
Dutch | economie |
English | economy |
French | économie |
German | Wirtschaft |
Greek | oικovoμία |
Hungarian | gazdaság |
Italian | economia |
Latvian | ekonomika |
Polish | gospodarka |
Portuguese | economia |
Slovenian | gospodarstvo |
Spanish | economía |
Swedish | ekonomi |
talus Latin | |
Swedish | språngben |
tulos Finnish | |
English | result |
talis Latin | |
Swedish | sådan |
talas Swedish | |
English | is spoken, are spoken |
ta loss Swedish | |
English | detach |
German | abbinden, ablösen |
talks English | |
Swedish | samtalar |
tuhlaus Finnish | |
Czech | plýtvání |
Danish | spild |
Dutch | verspilling |
English | wastage |
French | gaspillage |
German | Verschwendung |
Greek | σπατάλη |
Hungarian | pazarlás |
Italian | sperpero |
Latvian | atliekas |
Polish | marnotrawstwo |
Portuguese | desperdício |
Slovenian | potratna poraba |
Spanish | despilfarro |
Swedish | svinn |
tell us English | |
Swedish | berätta för oss |
tools English | |
Swedish | arbetsredskap, redskap, verktyg |
tallish English | |
Swedish | ganska lång |
tells English | |
Spanish | dice |
Swedish | berättar |
talkie English | |
Swedish | ljudfilm |
talk English | |
German | Vortrag |
Swedish | tala, prata, prat, samtal, samtala |
tails English | |
Swedish | frack, frackskört, svansar |
talk Swedish | |
English | talcum, talcum powder |
talg Swedish | |
English | tallow |
teleks Slovenian | |
Czech | telex |
Danish | telex |
Dutch | telex |
English | telex |
Finnish | teleksi |
French | télex |
German | Telexdienst |
Greek | τηλέτυπo |
Hungarian | telex |
Italian | telex |
Latvian | telekss |
Polish | teleks |
Portuguese | telex |
Spanish | télex |
Swedish | telex |
talja Swedish | |
English | pulley, tackle |
teleks Polish | |
Czech | telex |
Danish | telex |
Dutch | telex |
English | telex |
Finnish | teleksi |
French | télex |
German | Telexdienst |
Greek | τηλέτυπo |
Hungarian | telex |
Italian | telex |
Latvian | telekss |
Portuguese | telex |
Slovenian | teleks |
Spanish | télex |
Swedish | telex |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.