the café
Searched for the café in the dictionary.
the café English | |
Swedish | kaféet |
the coffee English | |
Swedish | kaffet |
the gap English | |
Swedish | klyftan |
the zip English | |
Swedish | dragkedjan |
the sheep English | |
Swedish | fåret |
the shop English | |
Swedish | affären |
the soap English | |
Swedish | tvålen |
the soup English | |
Swedish | soppan |
the ship English | |
Swedish | fartyget |
the job English | |
Swedish | jobbet |
teacup English | |
Swedish | tekopp |
take off English | |
Swedish | ta av |
tejpa Swedish | |
Spanish | fijar |
take off English | |
German | abrechnen |
Swedish | ta av dig, ta av sig, ta av, lyfta, starta, ta ner, start, starta om, avsprång |
takeoff English | |
German | abfliegen |
toy shop English | |
Swedish | leksaksaffär |
they wake up English | |
Swedish | de vaknar |
took off English | |
Swedish | tog av sig |
tick off English | |
Swedish | markera, pricka av |
tűzifa Hungarian | |
Czech | palivové dříví |
Danish | brænde |
Dutch | brandhout |
English | fuel wood |
Finnish | polttopuu |
French | bois de chauffage |
German | Brennholz |
Greek | καυσόξυλα |
Italian | legna da ardere |
Latvian | malka |
Polish | drewno opałowe |
Portuguese | madeira para combustão |
Slovenian | les za ogrevanje |
Spanish | leña |
Swedish | brännved |
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