the sound
Searched for the sound in the dictionary.
Swedish: ljudet
the sound English | |
Swedish | ljudet |
the sand English | |
Swedish | sanden |
they send English | |
Swedish | de skickar |
the giant English | |
Swedish | jätten |
thousand English | |
German | tausend |
Swedish | tusen, tusental |
to send English | |
Finnish | lähettää |
Japanese | 出す |
Swedish | att skicka |
the country English | |
Swedish | landet |
tusind Danish | |
German | 1000 |
the weekend English | |
Swedish | veckoslutet |
too kind English | |
Swedish | för snäll, alltför vänlig, alltför snäll |
the accounts English | |
Swedish | bokföringen |
tausend German | |
English | thousand |
Norwegian | tusen |
Swedish | tusen |
the century English | |
Swedish | århundradet |
thousandth English | |
Estonian | tuhat |
Swedish | tusende |
take notes English | |
German | sich Notizen machen |
the countries English | |
Danish | landene |
te sientas Spanish | |
Swedish | du sätter dig |
te sientes Spanish | |
Swedish | du känner dig |
tauchend German | |
English | diving |
the sentence English | |
Swedish | meningen |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.