Searched for tomo in the dictionary.
Swedish: jag tar
tomo Spanish | |
Swedish | jag tar |
tome English | |
Swedish | stor bok |
tamo Croatian | |
German | dort |
tome Spanish | |
Swedish | tar |
tom Norwegian | |
German | leer |
toma Spanish | |
English | takes |
Swedish | varsågod, ta, drick, tar, dricker |
tom Swedish | |
Bosnian | prazan |
English | blank, stark, empty, vacant, barren, void, plain |
Finnish | tyhjä |
French | creux, vide, creuse |
German | leer, abgegriffen |
Spanish | blanco, blanca |
ton English | |
German | tonne |
Swedish | ton |
tàmo Croatian | |
Swedish | där |
tooma Estonian | |
English | bring |
Swedish | hämta |
tamm Estonian | |
English | oak |
átomo Spanish | |
Czech | atom |
Danish | atom |
Dutch | atoom |
English | atom |
Finnish | atomi |
French | atome |
German | Atom |
Greek | άτoμo |
Hungarian | atom |
Italian | atomo |
Latvian | atoms |
Polish | atom |
Portuguese | átomo |
Slovenian | atom |
Swedish | atom |
tone English | |
German | Ton |
Swedish | ton |
time English | |
German | Zeit, zeitlich, Zeitpunkt |
Russian | время |
Croatian | vrijeme |
Spanish | la hora |
Swedish | tid, gång, takt, tempo, tidpunkt, dags |
town English | |
Czech | město |
Danish | by |
Dutch | stad |
Finnish | kaupunki |
French | ville |
German | Kleinstadt, Stadt |
Greek | πόλη |
Hungarian | város |
Italian | città |
Latvian | pilsēta |
Polish | miasto |
Portuguese | cidade |
Russian | город |
Croatian | grad |
Slovenian | mesto |
Spanish | ciudad |
Swedish | stad, mindre stad, stan, kommun |
tommy English | |
Swedish | engelsk soldat |
tema Estonian | |
English | she |
tam Latin | |
German | so |
Swedish | så |
tomma Swedish | |
English | empty |
tum Latin | |
Swedish | då, vid den tiden, därpå, senare, därefter |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.