Searched for tusind in the dictionary.
German: 1000
tusind Danish | |
German | 1000 |
tusende Swedish | |
English | thousandth |
tausend German | |
English | thousand |
Norwegian | tusen |
Swedish | tusen |
to send English | |
Finnish | lähettää |
Japanese | 出す |
Swedish | att skicka |
thousand English | |
German | tausend |
Swedish | tusen, tusental |
tag-end English | |
Swedish | sistadel |
too kind English | |
Swedish | för snäll, alltför vänlig, alltför snäll |
tekant Swedish | |
English | cartoon |
tauchend German | |
English | diving |
tassande Swedish | |
English | pitty-patter |
tusental Swedish | |
English | thousand |
French | millier |
tecknad Swedish | |
English | animated, cartoon |
the sand English | |
Swedish | sanden |
to knit English | |
German | sticken |
they send English | |
Swedish | de skickar |
ätzend German | |
English | caustic |
Swedish | fruktansvärt |
thousandth English | |
Estonian | tuhat |
Swedish | tusende |
takkant Swedish | |
English | eaves |
tukihinta Finnish | |
Czech | podpůrná cena |
Danish | støttepris |
Dutch | steunprijs |
English | support price |
French | prix de soutien |
German | Stützpreis |
Greek | τιμή στήριξης |
Hungarian | támogatott ár |
Italian | prezzo di sostegno |
Latvian | atbalsta cena |
Polish | cena subwencyjna |
Portuguese | preço de sustentação |
Slovenian | zaščitna cena |
Spanish | precio de sostenimiento |
Swedish | stödpris |
tiggande Swedish | |
English | begging |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.