Searched for up-tight in the dictionary.
Swedish: stel, formell
up-tight English | |
Swedish | stel, formell |
upptaget Swedish | |
English | engaged |
German | besetzt |
Russian | занято |
upptaga Swedish | |
English | occupy |
French | affilier |
upptagen Swedish | |
English | busy, preoccupied, engaged, taken, occupied |
French | occupé, absorbé, absorbée, affairé, affairée |
German | beschäftigt |
Italian | occupato |
Japanese | いそがしい |
Russian | занят |
Spanish | ocupado, ocupada, liado |
upptåget Swedish | |
German | das Allotria |
upptakt Swedish | |
English | prelude, run-up |
uptake English | |
Swedish | att fatta |
upptåg Swedish | |
English | spree, antic, antics |
German | Allotria |
Spanish | broma |
Swedish | skämtsamt påhitt |
uppdag Swedish | |
English | assignment |
upptäckt Swedish | |
English | discovery |
Spanish | descubierto, descubrimiento |
uppdiktad Swedish | |
English | trumped up, fictional, trumped-up |
upptagning Swedish | |
French | admission |
uppteckna Swedish | |
English | write down, enroll |
upphetsa Swedish | |
English | arouse, unfuriate |
upptäcka Swedish | |
Bulgarian | откривам |
English | discover, detect, recognize, find out, explore, notice, spot |
French | découvrir |
German | entdecken |
Spanish | descubrir, detectar |
upphetsat Swedish | |
English | excitedly, excited |
upptagande Swedish | |
French | affilation |
upptäckte Swedish | |
English | discovered |
upptäckta Swedish | |
English | spotted |
upptäcka English | |
Swedish | discover |
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