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English dictionary - c
English dictionary
cab - cabriolet
cabs - Calabria
calamity - called me names
calligraphy - camp-fire
camp-site - Can i take the menus how?
Can I try it? - cancellation
cancelled - cannery
cannibal - capacity to exercise rights
capacity to have rights and obligations - capital goods
capital increase - capricious
Capricorn - carcass
carcinogenic - care of the disabled
care to - Caricom countries
caries - carriage of goods
carriage of passengers - carrying capacity
carrying out of sentence - case study
case worker - cassava
casserole - casual employment
casuality - catch a train
catch area - cater for
caterer - caucasian
Caucasus countries - Cayman Islands
cc - CCTV
CD - CD-player
cease - celtic
Celtic people - Central Africa
Central African Republic - central rate
centralisation of information - cereal flour
cereal product - certainly makes a change
certainly not - Ceuta and Melilla
Chad - chamfering
chamois - change of political system
change one's mind - charcoal
charcoal grey - charter on human rights
charter trip - checked in
checked luggage - chemical accident
chemical alcohol - chemical pollution
chemical process - chemistry
cheque - child
child allowance - childcare allowance
childhood - chimney stacks
chimney sweeper - chocolate
chocolate bar - Christian Democratic Party
Christian name - chronological
chronologies - chute
cicada - circular
circulate - civics
civil - civil law
civil liability - civil rights
civil rights movement - civil war
civil-law association - civilizing
clad - class struggle
class superintendent - cleaned
cleaner - clergy
clergy's - climatology
climb - cloning
close - clothing
clothing industry - clutter
c'mon - C'mon!
co-captain - coal by-products industry
coal cellar - coastal pollution
coastal region - cocoa
cocoa bean - coffee
coffee break - cold store
cold war - collective agreement
collective bargaining - collectivism
collector - coloured pencils
colourful - combustion gases
come - comic
comic book - commercial arbitration
commercial bank - commercial law
commercial media - commit
commit a crime - commodities market
commodity - common defence policy
common fisheries policy - common ports policy
common price policy - communication skills
communications - Communism
communist - Community aid
Community body - Community competence
Community control - Community employment policy
Community environmental policy - Community financing
Community fisheries - Community legal system
Community loan - Community policy
Community preference - Community regional policy
Community regulation - Community sponsorship
Community statistics - Community trunk route
Community waters - company buyout
company doctor - company modernisation
company research - comparative education
comparative law - competence of the Member States
competency - complaint to the Commission
complaints - composition
composition book - compulsory expenditure
compulsory holidays act - computer applications
computer assisted design - computer equipment
computer freak - computer virus
computer's - concentration of the population
concentric - concoction
concord - conduct of meetings
conductance - conferment
confess - conflict of generations
conflict of jurisdiction - congested
congestion - connecting rod
connecting tower - conservation of fish stocks
conservation of resources - console
consolidate - constitution
constitutional - construction equipment
construction policy - consulted
consulting - consumer goods
consumer guidance - consumer protection
consumer society - contagious disease
contagious fungus disease - contiguous zone
continence - contraception
contraceptive - contractual liability
contradict - control-key
controlled - conversion rate
conversion table - cookbook
cooked - cooperation policy
cooperation procedure - Copenhagen
copier - Coreper
coriander - corporate governance
corporate social responsibility - corroborated
corrode - cosmic
cosmology - cost of pollution
cost price - cot
cotroller - Council of Europe
Council of Europe countries - counteract
counteracting - countryside conservation
counts - court of arbitration
court of civil jurisdiction - cow
cow shed - cozy
2 crowns - cranberry
crane - creation of nuclear-free zones
creations - credit insurance
credit is being tightened up - credulous
creed - crime against humanity
crime against individuals - criminal liability
criminal offence - criticise
criticism - crop rotation
crop up - cross-curricular
cross-discipline - crude oil
cruel - cry wolf
crybaby - crèche
cub - cultivation techniques
cultivation under plastic - cultural geography
cultural heritage - cultural pluralism
cultural policy - culture industry
cultured - currency
currency adjustment - curves
curvy - customs and traditions
customs boat - customs formalities
customs fraud - customs regulations
customs tariff - cut in half
cut in the solid rock - cuttings
cyanide - cyclone
cyclop - cytology
Czech - Czechoslovakia