English dictionary - n


nab - naphthalene napkin - national accounts national agricultural policy - national expenditure national financing - national liberation movement national library - national production national programmes - national tariff national tax - nationalist party nationalistic - natural fibre natural food colouring - natural person natural resource - Nauru nausea - nazi Nazis - naïveté


22nd - 2nd


... neither - negligé negotiable - neither nor neither of - nether nether nor - neurological disease neurologist - New Caledonia New Community Instrument - new technology new to them - newly-weds newlyweds - nexus

née - née


Niagara falls - Nigeria niggard - nineteenth century ninetieth - nix


No - nobble nobel-minded - noisily noisless - non-associated country non-attached member - non-durable goods non-electrical - non-governmental organisation non-ionising radiation - non-personal tax non-political - non-secular State non-secured - nonchalantly noncommercial - Norfolk Island norm price - North Holland North Jutland - North-South relations northeast - not even not everyone does - nothing is impossible nothing left - nozzle


nuclear - nuclear fuel nuclear fusion - nuclear physics nuclear policy - nuclear technology nuclear test - number of pupils number plate - nut nut craker - nuturing


ny - nylon rope

när den stannar - när den stannar