Searched for plays in the dictionary.
Spanish: juega, Swedish: spelar
plays English | |
Spanish | juega |
Swedish | spelar |
playas Spanish | |
Swedish | stränder |
plass Norwegian | |
German | Platz |
plés Croatian | |
Swedish | dans |
plus Dutch | |
German | plus |
pals English | |
Swedish | vänner |
plaza English | |
German | Platz |
plus English | |
Swedish | plus, pluss, dessutom |
plask Swedish | |
English | splash |
German | platsch |
plaza Spanish | |
Swedish | torg |
pluss Lule Sami | |
Swedish | plus |
plagg Swedish | |
English | garment |
plage Swedish | |
English | plage |
plus German | |
Dutch | plus |
pluss Swedish | |
English | plus |
place French | |
Swedish | plats |
plus Swedish | |
English | and, plus |
Finnish | plus |
German | Aktivposten |
Russian | плюс |
Lule Sami | pluss |
Spanish | más |
plus Finnish | |
Swedish | plus |
plazi Czech | |
Danish | krybdyr |
Dutch | reptiel |
English | reptile |
Finnish | matelija |
French | reptile |
German | Reptil |
Greek | ερπετό |
Hungarian | hüllő |
Italian | rettile |
Latvian | rāpulis |
Polish | gad |
Portuguese | réptil |
Slovenian | plazilec |
Spanish | reptil |
Swedish | reptil |
plage English | |
German | plagen |
Swedish | plage |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.