English dictionary - t - th

the cat next door Swedishgrannens katt
the cat retracted its claws Swedishkatten drog in klorna
the cat was behaving in an odd way Swedishkatten betedde sig konstigt
the catfood is in the tin Swedishkattmaten är i konservburken
the cattle Swedishboskapen
the cauliflower Swedishblomkålen
the cause Swedishorsaken
the CD SwedishCD-n
the CD player SwedishCD-spelaren
the cell Swedishcellen
the cellar Swedishkällaren
the Celts Swedishkelterna
the celts Swedishkelterna
the centre of attention Swedishcentrum för uppmärksamhet
the century Swedishårhundradet
the cereal Swedishflingorna
the certainty Swedishvissheten
the chair Swedishstolen
the chamber of commerce Swedishhandelskammaren
the chances are pretty small Swedishchansen är mycket liten
the Changing of the Guard Swedishvaktombytet
the Channel SwedishEngelska kanalen
the channel Swedishkanalen
the channel islands Swedishkanalöarna
the cheapest Swedishbilligaste
the cheeks Swedishkinderna
the cheese Swedishosten
the chemist's Swedishapoteket
the cherry Swedishkörsbäret
the chest Swedishbyrån
the chicken Swedishkycklingen
the chief executive Swedishverkställande direktören
the child started to wail Swedishbarnet började jämra sig
the children Swedishbarnen
the children crowded Swedishbarnen samlades
The children in Troublemaker steet SwedishLotta på Bråkmakargatan
the children in troublemaker street Swedishbarnen på bråkmakargatan
the chimney Swedishskorstenen
the chin Swedishhakan
the chisel Swedishstämjärnet
the chock of my life Swedishmitt livs chock
the cigar Swedishcigarren
the cigarette Swedishcigaretten
the city Swedishstaden
the City Hall Swedishstadshuset
the city limits Swedishstatsgränsen
the cityhall Swedishstadshuset
the Civil War Swedishamerikanska inbördeskriget
the civil war Swedishinbördeskriget
the Clarks Swedishfamiljen Clark
the class Swedishklassen
the clay Swedishleran
the clear blue sky Swedishden klarblå himlen
the clock dragged slowly around Swedishtiden kröp fram
the closest living relative Swedishnärmaste levande släkting
the cloth Swedishtrasan
the clothes Swedishkläderna
the clothing shop Swedishklädaffären
the cloves Swedishnejlikorna
the clutch Swedishkopplingen
the coast Swedishkusten
the coast patrol Swedishkustbevakningen
the coat Swedishrocken
the cock Swedishtuppen
the cockpit window Swedishfönstret på styrhytten
the cod Swedishtorsken
the code Swedishkoden
the coffee Swedishkaffet
the cold Swedishförkylningen
the cold front Swedishkallfronten
the coldest Swedishkallaste
the collar Swedishkragen
the collision Swedishkollisionen
the coloniation of my people Swedishkolonisationen av mitt folk
the colorful glow of the Christmas tree Swedishdet färggranna skenet från julgranen
the colour Swedishfärgen
the comb Swedishkammen
the comic Swedishserietidningen
the comma Swedishkommatecknet
the common good Swedishallas bästa
the Commonwealth Swedishdet brittiska samväldet
the company Swedishföretaget
the concert Swedishkonserten
the concrete Swedishbetongen
the Confederate States of America SwedishAmerikas konfedererade stater
the Congo basin SwedishKongobäckenet
the Congress Swedishkongressen
the congress Swedishkongressen