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English dictionary - t
English dictionary
ta betalt - tactical nuclear weapon
tactician - take a lift
take a little trouble - take pictures
take pity on somebody - taking
taking into care by the authorities - tanker
tankers - target price
targeting - tariff nomenclature
tariff policy - tartare
tarty - tax burden
tax collection - tax harmonisation
tax incentive - tax on consumption
tax on employment income - tax rebate
tax reform - taxable income
taxation - taxpayer
(teeth) - teachers lounge
teaches - teaching quality
teaching role - technical barrier
technical ceramics - technical rule
technical specification - technology
technology assessment - telecommunications equipment
telecommunications industry - telephone operator
telescope - tell me your names
tell of - temporary employment
temporary employment agency - tendering
tenderly - terminology
terminus - territorial dispute
territorial enclave - terrorism
terrorist - textbook
textbook and teaching aids - texture agent
11th - that is right
that is where - thatch
thatched - the Arctic Ocean
the arm - the bird has flown
the bird of prey - the cat meows
the cat next door - the congress
the construction programme - the dishwashing liquid
the dissatisfaction - the farmer
the fastest - the giant
the ginger - the Holocaust
the holy cross - the law was broken
the lawyer - the Middle Ages
the middle ages - the Nile
the nine-year compulsory school - the parsley
the passage of a law - the prow
the psychologist - the royal palace
the rucksack - the sidewalks
the silk - the story of the invasion
the story of the movie was based on - the tin
the title of a book - the view
the village - the zodiac
the zucchini - theory of marketing
theory of science - there's no need to
there's no point in - thermal pollution
thermodynamics - they are
they are a regular shape - They're such a bother to make
They're too big - third countries in the Mediterranean
third country - this is my dad
This is my dog - threat to national security
threaten - throw
throw a ball - thyroid gland
ti be continued - tied sales outlet
tier - times table
timetable - tinplate and cutlery industry
tinsel - titular
tjuv - tjuvar
tmp - tmp
to - to convict somebody of a crime
to crop up - to move in with
to my remembrance - to the right
to the right of - tobacco industry
tobacco shop - Tokyo Round
told - too bad
too bad you didn't see - top and tail
top bloke - total catch
totally - tourist exchange
tourist guide - towel
towel rack - town-country relationship
town-planning profession - toy cat
toy gun - £50 to spend
trace - trade balance
trade ban - trade dispute
trade event - trade policy
trade promotion - trade union
trade union confederation - tradeable emission permit
trademark - trading operation
trading station - traffic offence
traffic regulations - training leave
training manager - transfer of farms
transfer of pension rights - transfrontier pollution
transfrontier transport - transition economy
transitional - transparency in decision-making
transparent - transport economics
transport infrastructure - transport market
transport network - transport policy
transport price - transport statistics
transport under customs control - travel
travel agency - treasurer
treasures - tree
tree climber - tricolour
tricot - triticale
triumph - tropical fruit
tropical plant - true
true love - tränga sig
T-shirt - tsunami
tub - tungsten
tunic - Turkmenistan
Turks and Caicos Islands - turnkey factory
turnout - tuxedo
Tuеsday - Tuеsday
TV - två gånger
twain - twins
twins of all ages - two-wheeled vehicle
tycoon - Tyrrhenian Sea
tzar - tzar