English dictionary - t - th

the construction programme Swedishbyggprogrammet
the continent Swedishkontinenten
the contryside Swedishlandet
the cook Swedishkocken
the cooling fluid Swedishkylarvätskan
the Coopers Swedishfamiljen Cooper
the copper Swedishkopparen
the core Swedishkärnpunkten
the corner of one's eye Swedishögonvrån
the corners Swedishhörnen
the cost of cool Swedishvad det kostar att vara trendig
the cotton Swedishbomullen
the couch Swedishsoffan
the countries Danishlandene
the country Swedishlandet
the countryside Swedishlandet
Germandie Landschaft, die Gegend
the county of Dorset Swedishgrevskapet Dorset
the couple Swedishparet
the courage Swedishmodet
the court Swedishdomstolen
the Covenants Swedishförbunden
the cow Swedishkon
the crackle of the fire Swedishknäppandet från brasan
the Cracks of Doom SwedishDomedagsklyftan
the cream Swedishgrädden
the cream of Swedishgräddan av
the creator Swedishskaparen
the Crimean War SwedishKrimkriget
the Crimean war SwedishKrimkriget
the crow Swedishkråkan
the crowd Swedishfolkmassan
the Crown Jewels Swedishkronjuvelerna
the crown jewels Swedishkronjuvelerna
the cucumber Swedishgurkan
the currency Swedishvalutan
the current lull in sales Swedishnuvarande stiltje i försäljningen
the curtain Swedishgardinen
the customers Swedishkunderna
the cutlet Swedishkotletten
the Czech Republic SwedishTjeckien
the Czech republic SwedishTjeckien
the dancer Swedishdansaren
the Danelaw SwedishDanelagen
the danelaw Swedishdanelagen
the danger Swedishfaran
the darkening sky Swedishden mörknande himmen
the darkest Swedishmörkast
the dashboard Swedishinstrumentpanelen
the daughter Swedishdottern
the day Swedishdagen
the day after tomorrow Swedishövermorgon
the day before yesterday Swedishförrgår
the days of the week Swedishveckodagarna
the days were long gone Swedishdet var länge sedan
the Dead Sea SwedishDöda Havet
the Dead sea SwedishDöda havet
the deceased Swedishden avlidne
The Declaration of Independence Swedishoavhängighetsförklaringen
the declaration of independence Swedishsjälvständighetsförklaringen
the deer Swedishhjorten
the Degree Ordinance Swedishexamensordningen
the delay Swedishförseningen
the dentist Swedishtandläkaren
the department store Swedishvaruhuset
the desert Swedishöknen
the desk Swedishskrivbordet
the dessert Swedishefterätten
the destruction of the rainforest Swedishförstörelsen av regnskogen
the detergent Swedishtvättmedlet
the developing country Swedishutvecklingslandet
the development Swedishutvecklingen
the devil Swedishdjävulen
the diesel Swedishdieseln
the difference Swedishskillnaden
the difference of opinion Swedishav annan uppfattning
the dining room Swedishmatsalen
the dinner Swedishmiddagen
the dinner-room window Swedishfönstret i matsalen
the director Swedishdirigenten
the dirtier Swedishju smutsigare
the discount Swedishrabatten
the discussion Swedishdiskussionen
the disguise Swedishförklädnaden
the dishwashing liquid Swedishdiskmedlet