English dictionary - t - th

the ginger Swedishingefäran
the giraffe Swedishgiraffen
the girl Swedishflickan
the girl-friend Swedishflickvännen
the gist Swedishinnebörden
the glass Swedishglaset
the glass is broken Swedishglaset är sönder
the glasses Swedishglasögonen
the glove Swedishhandsken
the glue Swedishklistret
the gnu Swedishgnun
the goal Swedishmålet
the goal-line Swedishmållinjen
the goalkeeper Swedishmålvakten
the goat Swedishgeten
the gold Swedishguldet
the golden age Swedishguldåldern
the good land Swedishden goda jorden
the goods were conveyed by rail Swedishgodset transporterades på järnväg
the goose Swedishgåsen
the gorge Swedishravinen
the Government Swedishregeringen
the government Swedishregeringen
the grandchildren Swedishbarnbarnen
the grandfather Swedishfarfar
the grandmother Swedishfarmor
the grandparents Swedishfarföräldrarna
the grape Swedishvindruvan
the grass Swedishgräset
the grate barrier reef Swedishstora barriärrevet
the Great Barrier Reef SwedishStora barriärrevet
the great barrier reef Swedishstora barriärrevet
the Great Berrier Reef SwedishStora Barriärevet
the Great Plague SwedishDigerdöden
the great thing about Swedishdet bästa med
The Great Wall Swedishkinesiska muren
the Great Wall SwedishKinesiska muren
the great wall Swedishkinesiska muren
The Great War Swedishförsta världskriget
the greater Swedishdesto större
the greenhouse effect Swedishväxthuseffekten
the grenade Swedishgranaten
the greyest Swedishgråast
the grocer Swedishspecerihandlaren
the ground floor Swedishbottenvåningen
the guest room Swedishgästrummet
the guidedance office Swedishexpeditionen
the guitar Swedishgitarren
the guitar player Swedishgitarristen
the Hague SwedishHaag
the hail Swedishhaglet
the hair Swedishhåret
the ham Swedishskinkan
the hammer Swedishhammaren
the hand Swedishhanden
the handbag Swedishhandväskan
the happiest Swedishgladaste
the hat Swedishhatten
the haunted mansion Swedishspökhuset
the head Swedishhuvudet
the headlight Swedishstrålkastaren
the headline Swedishrubriken
the health care programme Swedishomvårdnadsprogrammet
the heart Swedishhjärtat
Frenchle coeur
the heart of London SwedishLondons hjärta
the heart of the matter Swedishpudelns kärna
the heat wave Frenchla canicule
the heaviest Swedishtyngst
the helmet Swedishhjälmen
the hem Swedishfållen
the hemisphere Swedishhalvklotet
the herd Swedishflocken
the Higher Education Act Swedishhögskolelagen
the Higher Education Ordinance SwedishHögskoleförordningen
the highest Swedishhögst
the highest bidder Swedishden högstbjudande
the highest mountain Swedishdet högsta berget
the highest peak Swedishden högsta toppen
the Highlands Swedishskotska högländerna
the highlands Swedishhögländerna
the highlands of Scotland Swedishskotska högländerna
the hill Swedishbacken
the hip Swedishhöften
the hippopotamus Swedishflodhästen
the history of the Tower SwedishTowerns historia
the hold over himself Swedishspänningen inom honom
the Holocaust Swedishförintelsen