English dictionary - t - th

the holy cross Swedishdet heliga korset
the home Swedishhemmet
the Home Guard Swedishhemvärnet
the homework Swedishläxan
the hors-d'oeuvre Swedishförrätten
the horse Swedishhästen
the hospital Swedishsjukhuset
the hotel Swedishhotellet
the hotel room Swedishhotellrummet
the hotel, restaurant and catering programme Swedishhotell- och restaurangprogrammet
the hottest Swedishhetast
the hour Swedishtimmen
the house Swedishhuset
the house white Swedishhusets vita vin
the Houses of Parlament SwedishParlamentshuset
the houses of parliament Swedishparlamentshuset
the human body Swedishmänniskokroppen
the human rase Swedishmänsligheten
the human species Swedishmänniskoarten
the hunt Swedishjakten
the hunter Swedishjägaren
the husband Swedishmaken
the ice cream Swedishglassen
the ice cubes Swedishiskuberna
the index Swedishpekfingret
the Indian Swedishindiska oceanen
the Indian Ocean SwedishIndiska Oceanen
the Indies SwedishVästindien
the individual programme Swedishindividuella programmet
the injection Swedishinjektionen
the inner parts Swedishde inre delarna
the insect Swedishinsekten
the instant Swedishi samma ögonblick
the instrument Swedishinstrumentet
the insurance Swedishförsäkringen
the intention Swedishavsikten
the Internet Swedishinternet
the internet Swedishinternet
the intersection Swedishkorsningen
the intestines Swedishtarmarna
the Irish Swedishirländarna
the Irish sea Swedishirländska sjön
the iron Swedishjärnet
the Iron Age Swedishjärnåldern
the island Swedishön
the island of Crete Swedishön Kreta
the issuing bank Swedishutfärdande bank
the jack Swedishdomkraften
the jet Swedishjetplanet
the jet set Swedishinnegänget
the job Swedishjobbet
the job often required him to work 24-hour shifts Swedishjobbet krävde ofta att han arbetade 24 timmar
the joke Swedishskämtet
the judge Swedishdomaren
the jumper Swedishjumpern
the Jurassic Swedishjuratiden
the key Swedishnyckeln
the kidneys Swedishnjurarna
the kids' lunch boxes Swedishungarnas lunchboxar
the killing Swedishsjälva dödandet
The king lives in the castle SwedishKungen bor i slottet
the Kingdom of Denmark Danishdet danske rige
the kiss of life Swedishmun-mot-munmetoden
the kitchen Swedishköket
the kiwi Swedishkiwin
the knacker Swedishhästslaktaren
the knee Swedishknät
the knitting needle Swedishstickan
the knives Germandie Messer
The Labour Inspectorate Swedishyrkesinspektionen
the ladies section Swedishdamavdelningen
the lake Swedishsjön
the lamp Swedishlampan
the landing Swedishlandningen
the language I get Swedishvilket språk jag får höra
the largest Swedishdet största
the largest inhabited island Swedishden mest befolkade ön
the last Swedishden sista
the last century Swedishförra århundradet
the last day Germander letzte Tag
the last minute Swedishi sista minuten
the last supper Swedishjesu sista måltid
the late 1800s Swedishsent 1800-tal
the latest Swedishsenast
the latest style Swedishsenaste mode
the latter Swedishsenast nämnda
the law Swedishlagen
the law was broken Swedishman bröt mot reglerna