English dictionary - t - th

they are a regular shape Swedishde har regelbunden form
they are about to Swedishde ska just till att
they are following Swedishde följer efter, de följer med
they are free to Swedishde får
they are great fun to be around Swedishdet är kul att vara med dom
they are guarded by Swedishde vaktas av
they are lying Swedishde ligger
they are not Czechnejsou
they are out Swedishde är ute
they are starting Swedishde börjar
they are written Swedishde har skrivits
they arrived in London Swedishde anlände till London
they began Swedishde började
they behave badly Swedishde uppför sig illa
they breathe regulary Swedishde andas regelbundet
they could tell from my face Swedishde kunde se i mitt ansikte
they decided to kill it Swedishde beslutade att döda den
they deride me Swedishde skrattar åt mig
they did a neat cutting job Swedishde skar av det snyggt
they did all they could Swedishde gjorde allt de kunde
they don't care Swedishdom bryr sig inte
they don't see any point to Swedishdet är ingen idé för dem att
they don't want to be told what to do Swedishde vill inte bli tillsagda vad de ska göra
they eat too much Swedishde äter för mycket
they expect him to Swedishde förväntar sig att han ska
they feed Swedishde serverar
they give him beef Swedishde ger honom nötkött
they got married Swedishde gifte sig
they got water Swedishde hämtade vatten
they had Swedishde hade
they had been playing Swedishde hade spelat
they had reinforcements behind them Swedishde hade förstärkning bakom
they had to move Swedishde måste flytta
They had to move it SwedishDe måste flytta den
they had to move it Swedishde måste flytta den
they have Swedishde har
Finnishteillä on
they have a point Swedishdet ligger något i det de säger
they have a point after all Swedishdet ligger något i det de säger
they have not Finnishheillä ei ole
They look fine to me SwedishJag tycker dom ser bra ut
they look fine to me Swedishjag tycker de ser bra ut
they made it Swedishde klarde sig
they made them work Swedishde tvingade dem att arbeta
they must be rolling in money Swedishde måste bada i pengar
they mustn't Swedishde får inte
they returned Swedishde återvände
They run every evening SwedishDe springer varje kväll
they seemed happy to lie next to each other Swedishde verkade vara nöjda att ligga bredvid varandra
they send Swedishde skickar
they set off Swedishde gav sig iväg
they shine their flashlights Swedishde lyser med ficklamporna
they sleep Swedishde sover
They speak english SwedishDe talar engelska
they speak English Swedishde talar engelska
They surged about her SwedishDe trängdes runt henne
they surged about her Swedishde trängdes runt henne
they talk Danishde snakker
They took it SwedishDe tog den
they treat us like kids Swedishde behandlar oss som barn
they treat us well Swedishde behandlar oss bra
they treat you like adults Swedishde behandlar dig som vuxen
they waded towards me Swedishde vadade mot mig
they wake up Swedishde vaknar
they was born Swedishde föddes
they welcome you to ... GermanSie heißen dich in ... willkommen
they were Swedishde var
they were aiming at me Swedishdet var mig de menade
they were born Swedishde föddes
they were called Swedishde kallades
they were cold Swedishde frös
they were going to give Swedishde skulle ge
they were lucky Swedishde hade tur
They were not finished until ... SwedishDe var inte färdiga förrän ...
they were not finished until ... Swedishde var inte färdiga förrän ...
they were running out of time Swedishdet börjar bli ont om tid
they were watching Swedishde tittade på
they will Swedishde kommer att
they won't mind Swedishde har inget emot
they work a lot Swedishde jobbar mycket
they work together Swedishde arbetar tillsammans
they'll meet Swedishde ska träffas
they're Swedishde är
Germansie sind
they're about to Swedishde ska just till att
they're doing well Swedishdet går bra för dem
they're rehearsing Swedishde repererar
They're such a bother to make SwedishDe är så jobbiga att göra