Searched for Treppenhaus in the dictionary.
Treppenhaus German | |
Finnish | rappukäytävä |
Treppenstufe German | |
Swedish | trappsteg |
trappings English | |
Swedish | grannlåt, utstyrsel |
Treppen German | |
English | stairs |
treffen German | |
Finnish | tavata, sattua |
Norwegian | møte |
Swedish | träffa, träffas |
trappan Swedish | |
English | stair, the stairs |
German | die Treppe |
Italian | la scala |
Spanish | la escalera |
trevnad Swedish | |
English | comfort |
French | aise |
Spanish | bienestar |
trippande Swedish | |
English | pitter patter |
träpinnar Swedish | |
English | wooden poles |
truppmina Swedish | |
French | mine antipersonnel |
terpentin Swedish | |
English | turpentine |
Tropenholz German | |
Czech | tropické dřevo |
Danish | tropisk træ |
Dutch | tropisch hout |
English | tropical wood |
Finnish | trooppinen puu |
French | bois tropical |
Greek | τρoπική ξυλεία |
Hungarian | trópusi fa |
Italian | legno tropicale |
Latvian | tropu koks |
Polish | drewno tropikalne |
Portuguese | madeira tropical |
Slovenian | tropski les |
Spanish | madera tropical |
Swedish | tropiskt trä |
trebamo Croatian | |
German | wir brauchen, sollen, brauchen |
tropu mežs Latvian | |
Czech | tropický les |
Danish | tropisk skov |
Dutch | tropisch regenwoud |
English | tropical forest |
Finnish | trooppinen metsä |
French | forêt tropicale |
German | tropischer Regenwald |
Greek | τρoπικό δάσoς |
Hungarian | trópusi erdő |
Italian | foresta tropicale |
Polish | las tropikalny |
Portuguese | floresta tropical |
Slovenian | tropski gozd |
Spanish | bosque tropical |
Swedish | tropisk skog |
trapný Czech | |
English | embarrassing |
trooppinen puu Finnish | |
Czech | tropické dřevo |
Danish | tropisk træ |
Dutch | tropisch hout |
English | tropical wood |
French | bois tropical |
German | Tropenholz |
Greek | τρoπική ξυλεία |
Hungarian | trópusi fa |
Italian | legno tropicale |
Latvian | tropu koks |
Polish | drewno tropikalne |
Portuguese | madeira tropical |
Slovenian | tropski les |
Spanish | madera tropical |
Swedish | tropiskt trä |
trevande Swedish | |
English | tantalizing, tentative, tantlizing |
Tropfen German | |
Danish | dråber |
traben German | |
English | jog |
tribunal Spanish | |
English | court |
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