en höst

Searched for en höst in the dictionary.
Danish: et efterår

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

en höst Swedish

Danishet efterår

en häst Swedish

Frenchun cheval
Spanishun caballo

enajst Slovenian


en sötsak Swedish

Spanishun dulce

en katt Swedish

Frenchun chat
Italianun gatto
Spanishun gato

enkät Swedish

Englishquestionnaire, questionaire, survey

en get Swedish

Frenchune chèvre
Spanishuna cabra

enast Swedish


en strid Swedish

Spanishuna lucha

enighet Swedish

Englishunity, consensus

enought English


enact English

Swedishframföra, anta, anta såsom lag, stadga

en sida Swedish

Spanishuna pagina

en sådan Swedish

Englishsuch a
Germanso eine

eneste Norwegian


en stövel Swedish

Spanishuna bota

en stol Swedish

Frenchune chaise
Lule Samiståvllå
Spanishuna silla

en skada Swedish

Englishan injury

en skida Swedish

Lule Samisabek

en stege Swedish

Lule Samiájdaris

A maximum of 20 results are shown.