en skole

Searched for en skole in the dictionary.
German: Schule

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

en skole Norwegian


en skola Swedish

Englisha school
Spanishuna escuela

en kjol Swedish

Englisha skirt
Germanein Rock
Spanishuna falda

en kula Swedish

Germanein Kügel, eine Kugel

en Cola Swedish

Germaneine Cola

en kalv Swedish

Frenchun veau

en kulle Swedish

Frenchune colline

en kille Swedish

Frenchun garçon, un mec

enskild Swedish

Englishprivate, separate
Germaneinzeln, einzelen

en skål Swedish

Frenchun bol

en sil Swedish

Lule Samisillá

enkla Swedish


en själ Swedish

Frenchune âme

enkelt Danish


enclose English

Swedishsända med, inhägna, bifoga, tillägga, skicka med

en släde Swedish

Frenchun traîneau

enkelt Swedish

Englishsmoth, easy, simple, simply, menial, no bother, frugally
Frenchfacile, aisément

enslave English


en sallad English

Spanishuna ensalada

en slips Swedish

Englisha tie
Frenchune caravate

A maximum of 20 results are shown.