Searched for plumb-line in the dictionary.
Swedish: lodlina
plumb-line English | |
Swedish | lodlina |
plumbing English | |
Swedish | rörarbete, rörmokeri |
plumb English | |
Swedish | blylod |
plumbers English | |
Swedish | rörmokare |
plumpudding Swedish | |
English | plum pudding |
plumber English | |
Swedish | rörmokare, rörarbetare, rörmontör |
plumbs English | |
Swedish | lodar |
plump Swedish | |
English | blob, blot, vulgar, gross |
Spanish | borrón, burdo, burda |
plomb French | |
Czech | olovo |
Danish | bly |
Dutch | lood |
English | lead |
Finnish | lyijy |
German | Blei |
Greek | μόλυβδoς |
Hungarian | ólom |
Italian | piombo |
Latvian | svins |
Polish | ołów |
Portuguese | chumbo |
Slovenian | svinec |
Spanish | plomo |
Swedish | bly |
plum pudding English | |
Swedish | plumpudding |
plump for English | |
Swedish | ge alla sina röster åt, stödja, rösta på |
pluimvee Dutch | |
Czech | drůbež |
Danish | fjerkræ |
English | poultry |
Finnish | siipikarja |
French | volaille |
German | Geflügel |
Greek | πoυλερικά |
Hungarian | baromfi |
Italian | pollame |
Latvian | Āfrikas Attīstības banka |
Polish | drób |
Portuguese | aves de capoeira |
Slovenian | perutnina |
Spanish | ave de corral |
Swedish | fjäderfä |
palmblad Swedish | |
English | palm frond, frond |
plump English | |
Spanish | gordito |
Swedish | knubbig, dunsa ner, dimpa ner, rösta på, tjock, fyllig |
plumpt Swedish | |
English | rudely |
plombera Swedish | |
English | fill |
plomb Swedish | |
English | plug, filling |
palmvin Swedish | |
English | toddy |
plånboken Swedish | |
English | the wallet |
French | le portefeuille |
German | die Brieftasche, die Breiftasche |
palm frond English | |
Swedish | palmblad |